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  • Site Owner
    Ya and what about the 10,000 Syrian refugee children that just up and disappeared a few years ago from Greece and Norway.
    • Admin
      I don't know, ...maybe Shatner knows.
      • Site Owner
        I know it lol. I've been watching it and I'm almost finished with it. He's so awesome. He has the best stuff all of the time :))
        • Admin
          Lol I watched the first half, I didn't know he had this show called weird or what,, there's a lot of great episodes, this is a interesting subject as disappearance has been noted.
          • Admin
            Finished watching, there's a lot of possible speculation,, I would start with the most simple,, the mountain lion theory is wild,,, and that guys airplane probably crashed,,, either that or it's always alien abductions 👾
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